As a medium, I would say my biggest gift is my intuition. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I rely on it for almost every decision I make. If I do tap into my intuition, I feel at peace with my decision no matter what the outcome and if I don't check in with my intuition, I almost always regret it.
Most people think I have a gift of a strong intuition because I am a medium, but I believe we all have this amazing superpower at our disposal. with 25 years of practice and study, I have also managed to reverse engineer it. I know what it takes to build our intuition and I want everyone to experience the bliss that I feel on a daily basis.
Can you imagine not having to stress about any decision?
What if you had tools to help you tap into the higher intelligence of the universe and get guidance on which path to choose in any given situation?
What if you never felt regret or guilt about your decisions ever again?
Where would you use that time, money and energy instead?
If you think this is too woo for you, I would challenge you to think about some of the most successful people in the world and see what they have to say about intuition.

I don't know about you but if it worked for these people, I'd say its worth a shot. Imagine how great it would feel to:
Save time, money, and energy by making efficient decisions
See your problems from a different perspective
Never second-guess your choices/ decisions
Intuitively have a sense of what's coming
Session Structure
In-person or Online (via Zoom)
90 minutes Session
10 minutes intros
45 minute interactive workshop
10 minute Q & A
10 minute Guided Meditation

What people say?

Chitra Rochlani is an intuitive medium/ healer who has worked through auto writing, energy healing, and spiritual guidance for the past 20 years.
She offers counseling sessions to help people get "unstuck", identify the blocks holding them back and help them see the path to a more fulfilled, passionate life.
Chitra serves as a conduit between clients and their loved ones who want to come through with messages.
To book an appointment, please click here.